JUST SOLD! 630 Sweet Bay Avenue, Plantation, FL.

Let’s focus on the positive news!
We have proven that at ATR GROUP we are COVID19 resistant!
Yes, We did it! And just in time..we closed the sale of our Listing in Hawks Landing!
I have to confess that for me, it was one of those challenging weeks where I thought we were not going to make it…
This was our first closing during this pandemic and with so many changes and adjustments happening at such a fast pace, there were a lot of incertitudes. We didn’t know if the attorney’s office was going to be working to get the docs signed if the banks were going to be open to doing the money transfer. We didn’t even know if the seller and buyer would be able to meet to do the walkthrough, get the docs signed, or if they would even get to move out of their actual homes. Yes, it was a long, long 4 days…
As the cherry on top, I needed to make the hard decision of quarantining myself since I had gone on a quick 3-day trip the week before… But nothing to worry about, after 17 days I can say that WE ARE COVID 19 free. Although I have to confess I was paranoid the whole 17 days. During the first three days, I could feel the virus walking to my door, felt all different types of symptoms every 2 hours and then they would vanish haha. We all were kind of hypochondriacs. We were all concerned and superconscious, so we didn’t want to take the minimum chance to spread it in case we had it.
Another challenge we had: the seller didn’t have a home to move to and we had already seen the whole market. Meaning that I needed to find something out of the market, which usually takes time, but this time we only had less than 5 days.
Thankfully, everything worked out amazingly. As a team, we have proved that we can go far and beyond with our real estate services and client needs.
I’m proud of my team members: Alvaro del Busto, who has been hands-on with the inspections, walkthrough, showings, etc..He implemented our “ATR white glove services” where we minimized exposure and unnecessary contact, and were conscious of our social distance and disinfecting the areas to protect our clients. Jilnar Jamal was hands-on with all our office processes and Virginia Aizpurua on top of all our other listings in the market.
With this amazing team in place, I was able to focus not only on the transaction process, including all the final details with the closing, the final walkthrough, and post-closing agreement, but I could also dedicate 100% of my time to finding my client’s dream home that was “not on the market”. We got them exactly what they were looking for, in the community that they wanted to live in, and at the price, the Seller wanted to pay. We managed to get both the negotiation and association approved in 2 days.
Please remember to avoid going out unnecessarily and avoid crowds. Please wash hands with soap at least for 20 seconds, keep your social distance, and don’t touch your mouth, nose or eyes.
My own extra suggestion: if you need to go out, by the time you go back to your home: take your shoes and go directly to take a shower. Put the dirty clothe in a bag and take it to the laundry.
Social distance, virtually connected.
Keep safe!